Sui Fondamenti della Tesi Antica della Paternità Anassimenea del Tricarano: Mimesi Stilistica e Analogie tra i Proemi Storiografici di Anassimene di Lampsaco e di Teopompo di Chio (Ad Anaximenes, FGrHist 72 TT 6, 13; F 1)


  • Giovanni Parmeggiani



An analysis of Pausanias 6.18.5 (Anaximenes, T 6) suggests that the attribution of Trikaranos to Anaximenes was based on, or corroborated by, ancient comments on style. Anaximenes’ suspected authorship of Demosthenes’ oratio II (Anaxim., F IIa) and analogies between Theopompus’ and Anaximenes’ historiographical proems (Theopompus, F 25 ~ Anaxim., T 13; Theopomp., F 24 = Anaxim., F I) were among the arguments that contributed to an understanding of Anaximenes as a skillful imitator of other writers’ style, particularly of Theopompus’. This paper suggests that Anaximenes wrote his Philippika’s proem revisiting some of the proemial themes of Theopompus’ Philippika, in order to engage in polemic with him; that the arguments for attributing the Trikaranos to Anaximenes are weak; and that new editions of Theopompus’ and Anaximenes’ fragments should each include the complete fragmentary evidence on Trikaranos.



How to Cite

Parmeggiani, Giovanni. 2012. “Sui Fondamenti Della Tesi Antica Della Paternità Anassimenea Del Tricarano: Mimesi Stilistica E Analogie Tra I Proemi Storiografici Di Anassimene Di Lampsaco E Di Teopompo Di Chio (Ad Anaximenes, FGrHist 72 TT 6, 13; F 1)”. Histos 6 (August).


