Instructions for Submissions

Articles should be submitted in Word format to; if the article contains Greek, please also submit a PDF. The text itself should be anonymous. We expect that you will have not submitted your manuscript elsewhere, and will not do so until you are informed of Histos's decision. Papers following different editorial conventions may be submitted for consideration, with the understanding that appropriate formatting will be carried out by the author(s) if the article is accepted. We accept contributions in English, French, German, and Italian. If your paper is in English, please follow British spelling conventions.

There is, in theory, no word limit, although the Editors retain the right to ask authors to prune articles that are especially verbose. We encourage authors to pay careful attention to relevance, clarity, and structure in their submissions.

Our full style sheet may be downloaded here: Histos Conventions (rev. 16-01-2021)

We particularly welcome submissions to Histos from scholars belonging to groups that are historically under-represented in academic journal publishing, including women and scholars of colour. We are monitoring our submissions for equality-related considerations, and aspire to achieve the greatest diversity possible in our field of contributors and authors reviewed.


Publication Agreement

If accepted, authors must agree to terms of the Publication Agreement, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon with the journal.


Copyright Notice

Histos has always been an online, open-access publication. Prior to 2024 authors reserve all rights, including the right to restrict republication or to withdraw their contribution from Histos.

Starting in 2024, all authors published in Histos retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under an International Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which means that anyone may share, copy, and adapt the material for non-commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author and this journal and do not distribute the modified version.