Working Papers

Papers from the session, ‘Allusion and Intertextuality in Classical Historiography’,
organised by John Marincola
(APA Annual Meeting, San Antonio, 8 January 2011)

2011.01 DAVID LEVENE, Historical Allusion and the Nature of the Historical Text, June 2011

2011.02 CHRISTOPHER PELLING, Intertextuality, Plausibility and Interpretation: no longer available as a Working Paper; revised edition now in Histos 7 (2013) 1–20

2011.03 JOHN MARINCOLA, Intertextuality and Exempla, June 2011

2011.04 AYELET HAIMSON LUSHKOV, Citation and the Dynamics of Tradition in Livy’s AUC : no longer available as a Working Paper; revised edition now in Histos 7 (2013) 21–47

Papers from the sessions, ‘Historiography, Poetry, and the Intertext’, and ‘Intertextual Relationships Between Poetry, Prose and Historiography’,
organised by Christina Kraus
(APA Annual Meeting, Seattle, 4 January 2013; CA Annual Conference, Reading, 6 April 2013)

2013.01 JANE D. CHAPLIN, Alluding to Reality: towards a Typology of Historiographical Intertextuality, August 2013

2014.01 ELLEN O'GORMAN, Intertextuality, Ideology, and Truth: Re-reading Kristeva through Roman Historiography, August 2014

2014.02 JACKIE ELLIOTT, Ennius’ Annales and Allusion in the Roman Historiographical Tradition: no longer available as a Working Paper; revised edition now in Histos 9 (2015) 277-311

2014.03 ALAIN M. GOWING, Panel on Intertextuality: Response, August 2014

Papers from the session ‘New Directions in Roman Historiography?
A Response to 'The Fragments of the Roman Historians',
organised by Catherine Steel
(CA Annual Conference, Nottingham, 15 April 2014)


2014.05 JOHN MARINCOLA, First Thoughts on the New Edition of the Fragments of the Roman Historians

2014.06 LUKE PITCHER, 'We Will Gather Up the Fragments that Remain': First Thoughts on FRHist

2014.07 S. J. V. MALLOCH, The Fragments of the Roman Historians: Conventions and Opportunities

2014.08 TIM CORNELL, ‘Response’ [forthcoming]

Papers from the session 'Forms of Ideology in Tacitus',
organised by Ellen O'Gorman (CA Annual Conference, Bristol, 12 April 2015)

2015.01 ELLEN O'GORMAN, Forms of Ideology in Tacitus. A Brief Introduction to the Panel

2015.02 OLIVIER DEVILLERS, Neronian Past in the Histories of Tacitus

2015.03 DYLAN SAILOR, Arminius and Flavus across the Weser

2015.04 LOUIS AUTIN, Rumour as a Literary Device in Tacitus

2015.05 HOLLY HAYNES, Fantasy as History in Annals Book 4